Friday, January 14

Our Flood Appeal Contribution; Red and blue to the rescue...

So, in the midst of my 3 year old son remarking constantly on the horror of the deluge of water that has banished so many from their homes and left them with nothing, he made comment on all of our lovely things and made me privy to his own panic that they too would be washed away and devastate his own room.

In trying to reassure him of his and their safety, we agreed to try to help the boys and girls of QLD. It took a matter of hours to convince him that as magical as our Christmas Tree has looked (i think the gifts tucked underneath did it) that it wasn't the most practical of items for us to send them, so instead we agreed that he could rummage (delicately) through Mummy's Milly Molly Mandy stock and pick his 5 favourite goodies with which we would begin to support the families who no longer have anything clean, bright, or their own to look upon.

So it was born, our modest effort to make a contribution...

Levi's pick is featured below and 20% from every item sold will be donated to the Flood Victims.

Pick 1; Checkered Up, Boy's Cushion

So make your way to or click on each of Levi's Picks to purchase one of these RED AND BLUE TO THE RESCUE designs and raise money for the those in need, by having 20% of every item donated.

Warm wishes,

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