Wednesday, November 13

How we roll...

I promised myself i would share some of the most poignant and paradoxically, some of the funniest and most carefree moments of my days to brighten our worlds, and yet again the months have slipped past me.

In a haze of lego, dolls with their clothes off and tucked under every chair cushion and behind every drawer, and octonaut gups and their squeaky sea creatures beneath my feet, i have been bashing at the old sewing machine harder each day. Mixing it up with endless hours on social media and constant attention to the website and other selling portals, i have emerged feeling victorious.

Not because, its all sparkling and shining in its brilliance, looking flawless and totally desirable (dreams), but because somehow we all seem to be travelling along well. The family is happy, the hubby is indulging in his mission to conquer all Triathlon and IronMan events and, i get to enjoy these young children from home.

If you have never heard of Milly Molly Mandy and you have stumbled upon a jumbled blog, then here is a brief overview.

In a humble little home on the Central Coast of NSW, a little family who loves to laugh, be silly, get out and about and enjoy authentic friendships, play host to a little business run in a home studio (ahem, the dining room). It is here, that a constantly evolving and seasonal range of children's decor, bedding and soft toys are hand drawn, patterned and then handmade. They deck the walls of a number of online boutiques, our very own website, and they can be found looking totally delicious styled and window dressed on our market stall tables through NSW!

This venture has grown holistically and organically since it began in 2009, and its been very patient with me as i have learned how best to steer it, promote it, glamourise it, style it, and social media the heck out of it...

One of the most beautiful aspects has been the collaborations i have made with some sincerely inspirational and sickeningly talented women who i am now honoured to call friends.
I have learned from, been inspired by, had to pick my jaw up from, swooned over, envied, and felt delighted by these other business women, and would hope to be to someone else one day what they have been to me.  If i were a name dropper i would have taken the time to list Jess from Joyess Images, Sherry from May and Belle, Rachel from Babee Blocks, Kylie from Made by Kale,  Jo from Little Village Handmade somewhere in that blurb, but thankfully i don't name drop.

These women are pursuing lives filled with their talents, they are authentic in the process and kind.

I am blessed to have partnered with some of them and look forward to many years to come in their creative circle.

As far as i am concerned, having been blessed with an artistic savant mother, who was given a scholarship to the National School of Art at age 15, and trained in old school fine art, graphic art and later mastered free hand drafting as an architect, the need to draw and create bubbles up in me like an active volcano on the outskirts of Napal.
However, having a mother who can turn her hand to anything, is not without its challenges. Enough said.

Having studied the three disciplines of Art History, Anthropology and Archaeology i was given the opportunity to work in some of Britain's most exciting Art Galleries and enjoyed every second, even if i was the exceptionally well dressed under dog, with youth on my side and inexperience against me.

Years later i hit the shores of Australia- actually i hit Melbourne in Winter and was decidedly unsure about my plans for the next 12 months! Obviously, i paid an Australian to marry me and bore him three strapping kids, who control our lives, and have me preparing food for them all day and consequently clearing up the residue of those meals for the remainder of the day. I no longer look forward to Fridays as there is no such thing as the weekend, i used to have clothes without dribble and stains on them, and i even wore white linen blazers would you believe it?

And now...
Well, now i get little hands to hold instead of Press Releases and Research Briefs with a deadline.
I read The Gruffalo off by heart instead of Research Articles, and my days are filled with relentless chatter about everything and nothing all at once (not my own chatter).
And while i used to pride myself on my sparkling wit and soiree-worthy anecdotes, i promise myself that stories about tiny humans saying hilarious things is equally as satisfying...if your audience is a pack of overworked and under-slept mothers that is!

Shannon xx