Thursday, April 12

Online store of the week!

Just had to share my new love of naughts & crosses, esepcially the gorgeous Bear Family Print (now on my wishlist)...i think its really important to tell eachoether about fabulous finds, great prices and orginal ideas out there.

Have a great time looking and buying...
Fav finds:
  • Bear Family Print
  • Kids Bookshelves in white
  • Sale pale pink star night light
Shannon x
We are all London'ed up here in our house at the moment, it must be the Olympics (as i am actually South African but lived in the UK for SOOOOOO long).
I am really enjoying re-styling our 4 yr old's room with the London stuff, mainly as i LOVE red and blue together, its fabulous for this age and boys who are older and needing a more mature theme.

Happy to announce there will be 3 cushion styles and 3 bunting styles in our NEW {MIX AND MATCH LONDON COLLECTION} available to purchase on Wednesday May 2nd, from 7.30pm!

I will do lots of sneek peeks and promos on facebook so head there for updates, snippets, and of course our infamous Spot Sales..i love doing these, they make me feel generous (what a feeling!)

Wednesday, April 11


There isn't a day that passes that i don't think to myself, what am i doing, how can i fit this all in?
Then i think, the same way all the other Yummy Mummies juggling creativity, careers and motherhood do...effectively organising their time and being committed to the end result.

My trouble is there is so much i need to be doing, and so much i want to be doing, and i want it all perfect, so how does that happen, sound familiar people?

After much deliberatin, the first of the changes in our MMM land is a new system for selling.
I posted on fb and had a lovely crop of emails immediately, which proves nothing if not, that i am loved and supported and this is ALL worth the effort!
I will releasing Collections as they are ccompleted that will coincide with Markets at Westfield and at the start of each Season.

These will be highly promoted and advertised on fb and here on the blog and i will wet your whistles for all the delicious designs that will be available to purchase when the Albums are Opened, there will be a vertial cuting of the tap and smashing of the Champagne bottle by moi!

Enough said for now, you are gorgeous customers and friends and fellow WAHM and designers and i have no doubt you will share the next stage with me.

By, the way, i am just kind of pretending that my last blog wasn't pre-Christmas 2011...i know you forgive my faults...i am BACK!
I am ready to add many gorgeous women to my fav blog list and i started with the gorgeous Jess of Joyess Designs...her design talents are huge and she is a devoted yummy, and has become a friend.
Do yourself a favour...Joyess Threads and Design. The Blog.

Well, take a breathe.
Write your list of things to get through today (or for the next hour at least)
Then make a cuppa...

Shannon x